Wastewater Treatment Plant Troubleshooting

A client approached us with two issues that the plant was experiencing: 

Problem 1: An air – glycol chiller system is used for cooling the ozone generators and power supply units. The glycol cooling system is delivering too much pressure to the ozone generators while simultaneously delivering insufficient flow to the power supply units. The power supply units will sometimes overheat and trip from insufficient cooling. 

To solve this problem, AFT Fathom was used to model the cooling circuit and various solutions were recommended based on the results. 

Problem 2: Redirecting the core blow sludge coming from two filter presses to an existing tank. This required performing vent sizing calculations on the existing atmospheric tank. 

AFT Arrow was used to model this compressible flow to determine the appropriate vent size for the tank based on the flow entering the tank and the flow leaving the tank through it's vent. 

Vent Capacity Calculations - Flow leaving the tank

Calculating the core blow flow entering the tank